In partnership with Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, land on their campus was offered to Smart Farm, and they began composting food scraps and expanded its farming area.

Smart Farm of Barrington is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization whose mission is two-fold: to grow fresh produce for our neighbors in need and to be an educational resource on sustainable gardening practices and healthy eating. Although our work focuses on a small geographic area, its cause is universal and essential: bright food for a healthy, sharing community.

Smart Farm Values

  • We believe that everyone has the right to healthy food and that a vibrant food system benefits all community members.

  • We are committed to serving those in need by growing the most nutritiously dense food possible.

  • We recognize our role as stewards of the land.

  • We respect the land and actively work to employ practices that restore our soil and water.

  • We are dedicated to teaching our community the benefits and practices of sustainable farming.

Smart Farm of Barrington
490 W. Illinois Rte. 22, Barrington, IL 60010
Phone: 847-875-2060